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World Health Day

For World Health Day (7/4/2021), students in all partner countries organized events and students presented their products.

In Greece they started working on the topic, brainstorming based to a comic that was created by the teacher on Pixton Edu,

and students were asked to think about health inequities and make presentations by using any Web 2.00 app they would like.


The majority of the students created posters by using postermywall.

Scratch game designing

A student remixed a game entitled “Save the princess” to scratch and created a text adventure game entitled “Tackle health inequities”... Players have to think so as to solve the problem, type their answers choosing only 1 answer to each question. If they type anything that the choice doesn't give it will stop ( looking inside will reveal the answers)

Good practices exchange

Students also collected data and facts related to health inequities in their country.

Making comics

Some students made comic stories highlighting health inequities. 

App designing

An app was designed by a student for use in a mobile and presents data from Greece related to health inequities. The data is presented as” text to speech”. The information were adapted by the website: ve-map/ 

The app used is


Student will enrich it so as to include more facts, and maybe more countries.

In Turkey, students started working on the topic by searching and collecting info on the net so as to be informed on thisday celebration and made comics pointing out the importance of health.

Serbian students marked World Health Day by studying the role and importance of nutrients for the proper growth and development of teenagers. As part of this activity, they performed laboratory experiments proving sugars, starch and vitamin C in fruits and vegetables. They also prepared and enjoyed the taste of salad with fruits and vegetables.

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