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Taking action...

World Water Monitoring  day

World Water Monitoring Day is celebrated annually on September 18. This year the celebrations have as central topic " Solve water".

In this page are uploaded all the activities organized in the partner schools.

Footprints on Sand

What's your Water footprint?

All participant students calculated their water footprint here and uploaded their results on the following padlet

Ways to solve water

Students made discussions on how we can solve water and uploaded their suggestions to the padlet. Some Greek students also created scratch presentations.

Glass of Water

SDG 6 task game quiz -designed by using QR code cards

Students added a text card and then created questions and answers -in a slide of a shared presentation- for a cooperative quiz that will be used for an online collaborative game board


Students designed posters related to water importance for health and the need for clean water for all

Water Drops
Digital Water Testing

Testing water

Students determined ph value, temperature, and water conductivity by using ph strips but also professional meters.

Calculating water used to food recipes

Students calculated water used to make a variety of products but also some dishes from a recipe book


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